Slot Birds
Author: Pavo_Reality ❘ 4 weeks ago ❘ 208,055 views
Exotic Birds Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2 adds in tons of birds. You will see unique birds with amazing models all around your world. They are their own special abilities such as flying, carrying items, attacking, & becoming pets.
Are you tired of seeing the same old animals on your Minecrafting adventures? If so, this mod is for you.
BetSoft Birds Slot Overview Birds is an animal-themed online slot machine released a couple of years ago by BetSoft. It is a gorgeous title with stunning graphics quality, breathtaking animations and some intricate features. This slot game uses the mechanics of cascading reels which can trigger a huge win chain reaction on a lucky day. Feature spectacular no Apollo Slot Birdsdeposit bonuses Apollo Slot Birdswith easy wagering requirements. Support multiple popular banking methods. Available to Claim on Desktop and Mobile Devices. Extend dedicated multi-channel customer support 24×7. Slot Gameplay Just like the aforementioned Thunderkick product, Birds! Has colourful bird characters flying onto the three power line wires, where winning combinations are formed when three or more matching icons appear in succession either horizontally or vertically. Birds slot not only impress visually but each of the eleven birds part of play presents its unique personality via astonishing animated actions and reactions. The bonus features that assists players to push their winnings sky-high include the free flights feature, wilds and filling the bonus meter is crucial in gaining access to endless rewards. Hardly anyone will be surprised that the new Birds slot! From BetSoft has an excellent graphic as a success component because this is the hallmark of most of their games. When you start playing in the Birds!, you will see that in this 5-reel, 25-linear slot the protagonists are cute birds.
Features and Screenshots:
- Hearts: x 10
- Habitat: Forest, Birch Forest, Taiga, Savannah
- Tempted by: Apples.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: A very large, protective mob. It is passive, but when attacked will become hostile. The babies look different to the parents.
- Hearts: x 3
- Habitat: Rivers, Beaches
- Tempted by: Bread.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Varieties: 2
- Information: A small bird found by rivers and beaches. It makes the well known ‘quack’. The baby ducklings are yellow so you don’t know if it’s a duck or a drake until it grows up.
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: ?
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: A fairly large pink bird. Can be found where there is water. They will stand on one leg to conserve body heat.
Gouldian Finch
- Hearts: x 3
- Habitat: Jungles
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
Varieties: 6 - Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These small, colourful birds are found in jungles. They make quiet chirping sounds and prefer leaving on their own in the wild.
- Hearts: x 1
- Habitat: Plains, Forest, Birch Forest, Roofed Forest
- Tempted by: Sugar.
Varieties: 5 - Can be bred? No.
- Information: These are very small, colourful birds that make a lot of noise. They hover around and flap their wings really fast. They can be attracted by holding sugar.
- Extra: Summon the different types by doing /summon exoticbirds.EB_Hummingbird ~ ~ ~ {Type:0-4}
- Hearts: x 3
- Can be bred? No.
- Habitat: Beach, River, Swampland
- Information: These are small, quiet birds that live around water. Occasionally they will swoop in, retrieve a fish and fly around with it in their mouth.
- Hearts: x 2
- Habitat: Jungles, Forests
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: A very small bird. It lays the largest egg in relation to body size of any bird.
- Hearts: x 4
- Habitat: ?
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 2
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: Very clever birds capable of mimicking animals. During the day they will copy sheep/cow/pig noises and at night they will start replicating zombie/skeleton/creeper noises. The males have orange tail feathers, whereas the females do not.
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Forest, Birch Forest, Roofed Forest, Taiga
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These are medium sized walking birds. Occasionally they will ‘scavenge’ and hold something in their mouth. You can retrieve this item by hitting them, but it will take a while for them to scavenge again, or be more kind and ‘swap’ the item using wheat seeds. You can hear them via the chatter they make.
- Extra: Summon a magpie holding something with /summon exoticbirds.EB_Magpie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:clock}]}. This was coded to support ingots and compasses, so some items such as swords render incorrectly.
- Hearts: x 11
- Habitat: Desert
- Tempted by: Apples.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These are enormous birds that can be found in dry biomes. They lay the largest egg of any other bird.
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Forests, Swamp
- Tempted by: Rotten Flesh.
- Varieties: 3
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: Owls are medium sized birds that will spawn in forests. They will normally only appear as individuals. They will fly away if attacked. Their eyes glow in the dark.
- Hearts: x 4 (untamed) or x 10 (tamed)
- Habitat: Jungle, Forest, Birch Forest
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 4
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These colourful birds can be found in jungles. They can be tamed using wheat seeds and will follow you like wolves. You can also make them sit, walk or fly by right clicking them.
- Extra: Summon a tamed parrot using /summon exoticbirds.EB_Parrot ~ ~ ~ {Owner:Username}
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Plains, Jungle, Forest, Birch Forest, Roofed Forest
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 3
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These birds were the first bird to be added to the mod. They can be found wandering around the world. The peacocks can be told apart from the peahens by the colourful plumage. Right clicking a peacock will change whether its train (tail feathers) are open or closed. You can also mate two peafowl using wheat seeds! There is also an elusive Albino Peafowl. Rumours say it lays golden eggs.
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Beach, River
- Tempted by: Fish.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: Pelicans are fairly large birds that live by bodies of water.
- Hearts: x 2 (Should be 5, but I messed up. Will be fixed next update)
- Habitat: Cold Taiga
- Tempted by: Fish.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: Penguins are medium sized birds that live in cold biomes. They move pretty slowly, which is known as a waddle.
- Hearts: x 100
- Habitat: Does not spawn.
- Can be bred? No.
- Information: Phoenixes are large mythical creatures made out of fire. They can only be hatched out of Phoenix eggs with a light level of 9/10/11. Adult phoenixes can be saddled and flown. To fly up, look up. To fly down, look down. Upon death they drop a phoenix egg, so you will be able to rebirth your phoenix.
- Hearts: x 4
- Habitat: Forests, Plains
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 2
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: Pigeons tend to be classed as vermin is certain areas of the world. In this mod there are two variants, the wood pigeon and the rock dove. They make a coo-ing noise so will be quite easy to find!
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Desert, Mesa, Savannah
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: A very very fast desert bird. It doesn’t make much noise, but you won’t be able to miss it! To get close, you need to be holding wheat seeds.
- Hearts: x 4
- Habitat: Beach, River, Ocean
- Can be bred? No.
- Information: Seagulls will be found in near any biome with water. They will swoop round in circles and won’t stop!
- Hearts: x 6
- Habitat: Beach, River, Ocean
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 4
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These birds can be found in any biome by water. As this is their natural habitat, you will often find them swimming in rivers. You can hear them by the harsh honking sounds they make.
- Hearts: x 4
- Habitat: Jungle, Savannah
- Tempted by: Wheat seeds.
- Varieties: 3
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: These birds can be found in tropical biomes. They have large colourful beaks and make a distinctive call.
- Hearts: x 7
- Habitat: Desert, Mesa
- Tempted by: Meat.
- Can be bred? Yes.
- Information: A very large bird that can be found in deserts. They will fly into the sky and circle whilst looking for prey.
- Hearts: x 4
- Habitat: Forest, Birch Forest, Roofed Forest
- Varieties: 3
- Can be bred? No.
- Information: You can find these birds high up in trees merrily pecking away holes. They will make a sound when doing so, meaning you will know when one is nearby. When disturbed they will fly to find another tree.
Crafting Recipes:
Bird Meat
Bird Meat is dropped by all of the birds. Just place the raw meat in a furnace to cook yourself some tasty grub!
Book of Birds
This book tells you about all of the birds in game. It includes their picture, the scientific name and a little caption about them. It can be crafted using a normal book and a peacock feather, like so:
It starts off blank, so you will need to find the birds and left click them with the book to log them. This will reward you with xp.
Eggs can be found in two ways: collected from nests, or laid by birds. All eggs have a 10% chance of spawning a chick when thrown. This can be increased up to 50% by crafting the eggs with blaze powder, adding 20% each time. Any attempt to increase after 50% will consume the powder, but not increase the chance.
There are also unidentifed eggs. These are black with a question mark on them. To indentify these, you must use the egg sorter.
This item will occasionally drop from nests, and also when you throw any of the bird eggs. It can be used like bonemeal to speed up the growth of plants and to grow flowers.
Egg Sorter
It can be crafted using the following recipe:
Placing unidentified eggs in the top slot and redstone dust in the bottom will result in the eggs being identified. This is not always successful and may produce eggshells.
Slot Bird Houses
Probably the most important part of the mod. You will find these nests sitting atop leaves in your world. Breaking them will drop 0-3 different bird eggs and some sticks. Empty nests can be crafted using the following recipe.
You may right click on the nests to open the GUI.
Peacock Feather
Dropped by peacocks, these feathers can be used to craft the Book of Birds.
Phoenix Dust
This dust is used to create a phoenix egg. It can be found as a rare item in abandoned mineshaft chests. One is dropped by a phoenix upon death.
Phoenix Egg
Phoenix eggs are used to hatch the mythical phoenix. They require a light level of 9, 10 or 11 to hatch (a flame particle effect will appear when the light level is suitable). These can be found as a rare item in a monster dungeon, extremely rarely found in nests, or crafted by surrounding a chicken egg in phoenix dust.
Phoenix Feather
Dropped by a phoenix upon death. This feather does not yet do anything.
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
- On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
- Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
- When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Exotic Birds Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2 Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.7.10
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For Minecraft 1.8.0
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For Minecraft 1.8.9
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For Minecraft 1.10.2
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For Minecraft 1.11.2
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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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For Minecraft 1.15.2
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For Minecraft 1.16.4
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Slot Birds Party
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Slot Birds Online
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